"Helping Children Learn
Every Step of the Way"
Call us: (610) 789-9970
Email us: Info@childstepspa.com
Fall 2025 Registration NOW Open
Please click above to complete the interest application form. We will process contracts starting 12/21 for existing families first, followed by new families on a space available basis.
A registration contract will be sent via email to the primary registrant
Please sign and email the registration: Office@Childstepspa.com or
We will charge the registration fee in our parent portal, KangarooTime.
Registration payment must be made within 7 days of charge appearing on your KT Account, or else the spot could be released.
A deposit must be paid for next fall, as listed on your contract.
Program Information
Ages 2 -5 plus Enrichment / After School Programs
Full Day Kindergarten:
Enjoy better student-to-teacher ratios
Eliminate the midday transition for your child
We follow the same curriculum as Haverford School District
Kindergarten Enrichment to supplement 1/2 Day District Kindergarten program
Hours of Operation 7:30AM -5:30 PM
School Day Hours
Half Day 9:00-11:45 (Limited Availability)​
Full Day 9:00 - 2:45
Part Week - 3 days. (Limited Availability)
AM Enrichment: 9:00 unitl ~12:15, District Buses pick up midday at no charge
PM Enrichment: ~12;30-2:45 District Buses drop-off midday at no charge.
Extra Care​
Before Care Fixed Fee: 7:30-9:00 AM (Last drop off 8:45)
After Care Fixed Fee: 2:45 - 4:00 or 2:45 - 5:30 Sessions
Kindergarten Enrichment for Haverford School District:
Sign up for your preferred session - We guarantee availability if you don't receive your first choice. AM-E: 9 until midday bus pickup. PM-E: Midday bus until 2:45
AM Kindergarten children get dropped off by the district at midday for PM Enrichment. If you need aftercare, you only pay for After Care Option. If you need Before Care, you pay for School Age AM Transportation/Care bundle
PM Kindergarten children do AM Enrichment at Child Steps and pick up midday by the district. If your Child needs Aftercare at Child Steps, then School Age Transportation PM/Care bundle.
Elementary School Transportation - Currently for Chatham and Chestnutwold grades K-2; willing to add for 1-2 other school depending upon need. Includes Transportation AND care bundled together.​
1st/2nd grade - AM / PM care and transportation to/from elementary schools​
Kindergarten/Enrichment Programs - See examples below​
Lunch is always eaten at Child Steps for enrichment classes
Midday buses are always provided by the school district
Child Steps transportation is only required if Enrichment does not precede or follow the care
Child Steps transportation charge is bundled with transportation
Sibling discount requires 1 child attending 5 days per week
2 children: 10% off lowest tuition
3rd child: 15% off lowest tuition, 10% off 2nd lowest tuition
Registration Fee: $225 (Corrected) for 1st child, $125 for each a family for administrative fees
Each school session requires significant administrative efforts even if a child previously attended.
To meet State laws, all children need new contracts, medical history, emergency contact, classroom roster forms and filed in a separate location than current enrollments
$50 fee towards our Music and Yoga programs​​​​